Marblehead Arts Association
This exhibition explores Montserrat faculty’s unique relationship to the photographic media. As the title implies, we aim to exhibit the breadth of the medium and its ever evolving definition; from traditional lens-based creations to computer generated. The artist-faculty of Montserrat wade the grey waters between made and taken, representational and abstract, staged and found, analog and digital, and the myriad of false dichotomies. Through this we discover that photography is no stable media bordered with dogmatic rules, rather it is a reflection of changing technology, a barometer for observation, and a vehicle to explore territories of art heretofore unknown.
Ethan Berry is a producer and designer for film, video, and performance events, he is a past president of the Board of Directors of the Boston Film/Video Foundation, which was founded in 1976 in order to provide for artists an organizational support system for the creation of independent film video.
Ron DiRito's work is based on the time-honored traditions of documentary photography but other projects source various materials which include original and discreet imaging, discrete and vernacular writing, sampling, appropriation, printmaking, installation, artist’s books, audio and video media and super 8mm film.
Julia Buntaine Hoel is interested in what has proven to be the most complex puzzle, the epitome of emergence, the deepest well our sciences have examined; the brain. The instantiation of form and function united, from the molecular to the level of Neuroscience as a discipline, her work addresses the beliefs, theories and findings of the biological phenomenon of consciousness
Jesse Kahn currently employs photography, graphic design, traditional handicrafts, and sculptural techniques to explore Gay male sexuality and concerns over the division between public and private space, freedom of expression, and between personal & national security.
Gabrielle Keller is an artist and an educator. Her photographs are included in The Polaroid International Collection, The Museum of Art at RISD, The Fogg Art Museum, The Center for Creative Photography, and other corporate collections.