Instacart - User Research and Prototype

Utilizing competitive research and analysis, surveys, and interviews I identified several areas for opportunity. Based on direct user data I developed personas, wireframed, sketched, and created usable prototypes. After testing the prototypes for usability, we made further iterations.


  • Understand the competition field

  • Conduct user research

  • Identify areas for opportunity

  • Create prototype based on data

Problem Statement

How might the application be considerate of users with dietary needs and preferences?


  • Competitive Analysis

  • User Research and Surveying

  • Persona Creation

  • Craft empathy maps

  • Wireframe

  • Usability test

  • Prototype

  • Iterate


Based on user data and testing I was able to iterate several prototypes that alleviate common pain points and demonstrably increase user satisfaction with the product.