Norman LaLiberte - Creative Placemaking

With the help of another curator I was tasked with crafting retrospective experience for an established artist. The goal was to present the work in heretofore unconsidered ways, while still remaining true to the artist’s conceptual goals.


  • Curate a retrospective exhibition for an established artist

  • Create an interactive and collaborative experience

  • Utilize the space as a crucial part of the storytelling

  • Stay true to the artist’s conceptual ideation

Problem Statement

How might we create a place where users are able to experience work in a unique way while simultaneously contributing to the artistic concept.


  • Meet with Artist and Stakeholders

  • Conduct artist interview and studio visit

  • Analyze data and develop strategy

  • Select works

  • Design creative experience

  • Monitor patron feedback

  • Iterate


This exhibition proved to be a highlight of this artist’s career. We were able to design the space in a way that no only articulated his concepts, but allowed views to be actual participants in his works.