Norman LaLiberte - Creative Placemaking
With the help of another curator I was tasked with crafting retrospective experience for an established artist. The goal was to present the work in heretofore unconsidered ways, while still remaining true to the artist’s conceptual goals.
Curate a retrospective exhibition for an established artist
Create an interactive and collaborative experience
Utilize the space as a crucial part of the storytelling
Stay true to the artist’s conceptual ideation
Problem Statement
How might we create a place where users are able to experience work in a unique way while simultaneously contributing to the artistic concept.
Meet with Artist and Stakeholders
Conduct artist interview and studio visit
Analyze data and develop strategy
Select works
Design creative experience
Monitor patron feedback
This exhibition proved to be a highlight of this artist’s career. We were able to design the space in a way that no only articulated his concepts, but allowed views to be actual participants in his works.