Pineapple - UX Research, Design, and Testing

Acting as Project Manager, I worked with two UX/UI Designers and a Usability Specialist to develop a mobile grocery shopping application that allowed for specific requirements and needs of the user.


  • Discover areas of improvement based on competitive analysis of common mobile grocery shopping applications

  • Design a mid-fidelity prototype that would allow for usability testing

Problem Statement

How might we ideate an application that allows users to cater to their specific dietary, location, and other nuanced preferences?


  • Conduct competitive analysis

  • Perform user interviews with current platforms

  • Identify areas for improvement/innovation

  • Create Personas

  • Wireframe user journey and flows for new application

  • Create mid-fidelity prototype

  • Run usability tests

  • Design, Test, Repeat


As a team, we successfully created a testable prototype that alleviated many of the pain points found in common mobile grocery shopping applications.