VIVARIUM (SDE) (2019), 3-channel animated video w/sound, 10m00s
Frame 301 Gallery
VIVARIUM (SDE) depicts the interior of an immense outer-space terrarium designed to transport entire ecosystems from one galaxy to another. In the video, a giant blue alien peers lovingly through a portal into this environment, admiring the diversity of life-forms thriving within. While many of the creatures appear to be decidedly earthling in form, a range of extraterrestrial anthropomorphs can also be seen. Through the use of slow zooms and musical interstices that focus on individuals and small groups, the details of life inside the Vivarium - at times gauzy and euphoric, at other times hinting at some lost but very tangible world - begin to clarify.
Stephen St. Francis Decky is a multi-media artist and writer whose work has appeared in festivals, collections, and museums both nationally and internationally, including The New Britain Museum of American Art and The Museum of Fine Arts, Nagoya, Japan. He has taught Animation and Digital Media classes at several schools, including Tufts University and Moore College of Art and Design. As a technical consultant and collaborator, he has worked on multi-channel video installations in Boston, New York City and Montana. Stephen received his MFA from Tufts University and The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and currently lives and works in Philadelphia and Williamsport, Pa.